Interviews that focus on the CG creative in visual effects, architecture and beyond. Christopher Nichols of Chaos sits down with directors, artists, photographers and developers for candid discussions on technology and art, all with a focus on computer graphics. Visit for more information and an archive of past shows.

Like many things in CG, rendering on the GPU is a subject that is filled with misunderstanding and misinformation. Blagovest Taskov, the lead developer of the V-Ray GPU team, helps demystify this field by explaining how this type of hardware should be considered. We explore the concept of processors in general and explain the difference between faster, smarter, and working in parallel. This podcast is a predecessor to our visit to GTC 2016 on Apirl 4th to the 7th 2016, and will be the basis for a Guide to GPU coming soon.

Direct download: CGGarage_Podcast66_BlagovestTaskov.mp3
Category:CGI -- posted at: 2:21pm PST

We sit down with Boris Simandoff, a great developer and product manager of V-Ray Cloud and V-Ray App SDK. Since the issue of Cloud is still a bit foggy to some, we get Boris to break this down and help us understand it. From understanding what a virtual machine is, how do you pay for your time on the cloud, the cost of compute vs. storage, and, more importantly, the security of your data, Boris helps us understand it all and gives us a glimpse into our upcoming Guide to Cloud.

Direct download: CGGarage_Podcast65_BorisSimandoff.mp3
Category:CGI -- posted at: 7:52pm PST

Corey Rubadue and Chris Nichols talk to Dominic Albanese about the diverse and creative world of 3D scanning. From architecture, VFX, Art (both in preservation and creation), to medical; 3D scanning is a very diverse field, and Direct Dimensions has been in this field for nearly 20 years.

Direct download: CGGarage_Podcast64_DominicAlbanese.mp3
Category:CGI -- posted at: 7:28pm PST

Eric Barba sits down with Christopher Nichols and Stephen Parker to discuss his career that ultimately led him to his new position as Creative Director at ILM in Vancouver. We discuss his background at Art Center in transportation design, his nearly 20 years at Digital Domain, which included a longtime creative partnership with David Fincher and Joe Konsinksi, and an Oscar for his work on The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons.

Direct download: CGGarage_Podcast63_EricBarba.mp3
Category:VFX -- posted at: 4:41pm PST