Fri, 26 February 2016
While hanging out in Sofia, Chris decided sit down with Vlado to talk about what Chaos Group has been up to. Since we just released the VRscans service, we figured it was a good time to talk about it. We also talk about what is coming soon in the new service pack for V-Ray for Maya, as well as a host of other subjects including VR, realtime, and a video game he created in high school. |
Fri, 19 February 2016
Corey Rubadue and Christopher Nichols talk to Shane Scranton about the work of VR in Architecture design. We talk about the work that is being done at IrisVR, a company that he help co-found. We also discuss how VR will change the design process and that different flavors of VR serve different needs of the design and presentation process.
Direct download: CGGarage_Podcast61_ShaneScranton.mp3
Category:Architecture -- posted at: 3:19pm PST |
Sun, 14 February 2016
Starting a new CG Garage series, Dan Thron and Christopher Nichols discuss movies. We start with an in depth look at the Star Wars saga. We discuss why we each think that Empire is the best of all present 7 movies. Daniel also tells us his version of that Episode 6 should have been and why they have been trying to correct from their "mistake" ever since. We hope to do many more of these. |
Sun, 7 February 2016
Curious as to what goes on in our Baltimore office? We talk to Brian Russell, Fernando Rentas, and Ted Vitale about the many ways that V-Ray has helped the design market: from Architecture design, building information modeling (BIM), industrial and product design, and more. |
Sun, 31 January 2016
We chat with Hristo Velev and Martin Naydenski from Bottleship VFX about theyir company based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Coming with a history of visual effects work, they founded the company with an expertise in FX work. They have a strong understanding of fluid dynamics which we discuss along with starting a small VFX company in Eastern Europe. |